Python tkinter Radiobutton
A radio button is similar to a check button, but it is useful to select only one option from a group of available options.A radio button is displayed in the form of round shaped button.
tkinter radiobutton
The user cannot select more than one option in case of radio buttons.When a radio button is selected, there appears a dot in the radio button.We can create a radio button as an object of the Radiobutton class as:
r1 = Radiobutton(f, bg='yellow', fg= 'green', font=('Georgia', 20, 'underline'), text='Male', variable= var, value=1, command=display)
The option 'text' represents the string to be displayed after the radio button.'variable' represents the object of IntVar class.'value' represents a value that is set to this object when the radio button is clicked.The object of IntVar class can be created as:
tkinter radiobutton get value
var = IntVar()
When the user clicks the radio button, the value of this 'var' is set to the value given in 'value' option, i.e. 1.It means 'var' will become 1 if the radio button 'r1' is clicked by the user.In this way, it is possible to know which button is clicked by the user.
tkinter Radiobutton selected example
A Python program to create radio buttons and know which button is selected by the user
from tkinter import *
class Myradio:
def __init__(self, root):
self.f = Frame(root, height=350, width=500)
self.var = IntVar()
self.r1 = Radiobutton(self.f, bg='yellow', fg= 'green', font=('Georgia', 20, 'underline'), text='Male', variable= self.var, value=1, command=self.display)
self.r2 = Radiobutton(self.f, text='Female', variable= self.var,value=2, command=self.display), y=100), y=100)
def display(self):
x = self.var.get()
str = ' '
if x==1:
str += 'You selected: Male '
if x==2:
str+= 'You selected: Female '
lbl = Label(text=str, fg='blue').place(x=50, y=150, width=200, height=20)
root = Tk()
mb = Myradio(root)